Sunday, April 11, 2010

Call me CRAZY

Well Monday of our Spring Break got off to a great start. We met Drew's brother and his family at the OKC zoo. The kids had a great time running around and every now and then looking at the animals:) We got back from the zoo with some very tired kiddos. They took great naps and then Mike's family came back over to hang out some more.

About dinner time is when things began to go downhill. I came down with a stomach bug and then later that night Drew's mom did. A couple of other family members did as well. The reason I titled this "Call me CRAZY" is because my #1 phobia in life is vomit. I know it sounds crazy but it's true. Just like some people are afraid of heights or spiders, mine is the one mentioned above. Yes, it's hard for me to even write it. I realize this is not normal and I try very hard to deal with it but like any phobia it gets the best of me. I told Drew to imagine someone afraid of spiders being attacked by spiders the entire week, that's what it's like to me. Anyway, the men did a great job caring for the kids while I recovered. Poor Molly continued to refuse the bottle. I even tried formula when I was super sick because I knew she NEEDED to eat and I know I wasn't producing much at all. But she continued to stay stubborn and only nurse. Fortunately she did not get dehydrated which is what we were worried about.

The rest of the trip was very low key. Drew and his parents took the boys to the History Museum on OU's campus, Sam Noble. They came back in great spirits and the pictures are priceless.

The night before we were supposed to leave Drew came down with the bug. He rallied and was able to get us on the road by about noon even though he felt horrible. We just really wanted to get home. Not trying to be negative, just giving the facts but it was a HORRIBLE drive home. I spent the entire time on the floor between Matthew and Molly keeping everyone entertained and happy. Drew could barely keep his eyes open but he pushed through and we made it! We all literally fell into bed. EXHAUSTED.

Then about midnight we woke up to Andrew screaming. No details needed but he now had the bug...BAD. My WONDERFUL husband spent the night with him on the bathroom floor and I spent the night cleaning and a few hours of sleep on the couch. Friday we functioned and Saturday was better. Today we got some stuff accomplished and are feeling good.

Here's to a great week ahead!

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