That's how I've felt the past few days. What is going on?! I thought 12 weeks was the magic number! Now, I don't want you to think I'm being a baby, of course I know there are much bigger problems in the world but this is the reason I'm blogging. To remember the good times and the bad:) So here we go.
Saturday, we had a showing at our house around noon. Luckily Andrew was invited to a birthday party and our whole family was able to attend so we knew we would have somewhere to go. Well I woke up Saturday morning and my wonderful husband started Matthew on his breakfast and brought me my bagel in bed. This has been helpful with the "morning" sickness. On this particular day I wasn't feeling that great after the bagel and I think Drew could tell. He told me to take my time and he would start cleaning up the basement with the boys (not an easy task!). I started to feel guilty and decided to suck it up. I got out the vacuum and in the middle of vacuuming our small area rug had to run to the bathroom. Oh boy! Now this is coming from a person who actually has a phobia of getting sick. I would rather have a broken bone or get stitches, I know, I'm weird! Anyway, I was so weak at this point I had to call Drew up to get me a wet cloth and help me up. So he helped went back to the boys and I headed back to bed, thinking about everything that had to be done. Well I finally mustered up enough strength to fold some laundry and let the boys climb on me while Drew worked on the upstairs. We were out of the house in time and the day got better from there.
Then Sunday. Once again, wonderful Drew, did something wonderful. He volunteered to help build a house for Habitat for Humanity. On any other day I would have been so proud! But considering the fact that he had to be out of the house by 7am on the day of our first official Open House, and me in this condition; let's just say, I could have had a better reaction. The day actually got off to a smooth start. Matthew took a good nap while Andrew watched too much TV and I cleaned the inside. Then Andrew and I went outside and he was my big helper sweeping the deck and getting all of the "helicopter leaves" into the yard waste can.
Once Matthew woke up we headed to my parents where we would hide out during the Open House and then stay for Sunday dinner. Again this went smoothly. Andrew ran a few errand with my mom, Matthew and I played outside and everyone was happy. Then it was time for nap. About this time I started to get a horrible headache. Not sure what a migraine is but this hurt. So I thought I would get the boys down and then take a little rest myself. RIGHT! Well Andrew has been a bear to get down for nap lately. I know he's getting older and we are losing nap (even though he gets up before the sun). So I have been setting a timer where he has to stay in bed for 1 hour. As long as he is quiet he can do what he wants. This has actually been working at home and he's usually asleep in 10 minutes. Well Grandma and Poppa's house is always a different story. Looking back, I'm not sure if this is one of those times where I should have let him win because I was too tired to fight but I didn't. I didn't back down. He was literally given more than enough chances to stay in bed. Finally after every consequence I could think of I told him if he got out of bed one more time, I was taking him home and leaving Matthew there with Grandma. Well guess what, he got up. I went down told my mom the story, he threw a fit. I gave him one more chance! He got up again. I marched him to the car, kicking and screaming and off we went.
Now what do I do? Well I cried. Don't really know why besides it must have been my breaking point. Then of course Andrew fell asleep once his wailing and screaming stopped. So I decided to drive around and look at a few areas we are thinking about for our next house. In the end, it was nice and relaxing and I was able to have quiet time. We got back to my parents and the evening went smoothly and my mom made her famous mashed potatoes and roast beef...the only thing that sounded good to me. Thanks mom!
That leads us to today. The day that will never end! I woke up with my head feeling like there was someone in my head with a little hammer knocking on both temples. I managed to get out of bed and get Andrew to school (my saving grace). I brought Matthew home and he was ready for nap. I laid him down and thanked God I could rest. Well that was short lived. I finally dozed off and heard my little man not so happy. He is usually a great napper and was acting off. So now I'm praying he's not coming down with something. I decided to go look at more neighborhoods in hopes he would fall back to sleep. He didn't but was quiet and happy so that was nice. After lunch we got Andrew and headed home. At this point my head was hurting so bad that I was in tears. I was just praying I could get both boys down for nap and sleep it off. Well I didn't make it that far. Before I knew I had myself locked in the know. NOT FUN! I managed to get the boys down and took a little rest. Thankfully our neighbor Kelli was out her with 2 kids and Andrew barely had his eyes open before he was out the door. Drew came home to relieve me a little early because he was headed to the Cardinal game tonight. So I showered, went and got some chicken noodle soup and started to feel human.
Last but not least, bedtime: Matthew couldn't get comfortable cried off and on for an hour (still praying he's ok). Then it comes time for my anti sleeper, Andrew. He's usually pretty good about not waking up his brother and staying in bed but whenever something is a little different in the routine, you never know. So Drew was out and I put him down. I'll just list the 5 reasons he got out of bed.
1. needed water, even though he had some right before I laid him down
2. had to go to the bathroom
3. couldn't think of an excuse
4. **the classic** "Mom my penis is pointing up! FIX IT!"*** where's dad when you need him?
5. Starving
Finally asleep. And that's where I'm headed after a prayer for a better day tomorrow!