Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's me!

After what was not the best of weeks, I had a fabulous Mother's Day! The morning started with a craving of McDonald's pancakes. So Drew loaded the boys in the car and drove through McDonald's as well as Starbucks (decaf of course) for the perfect Mother's Day breakfast. We had a nice family breakfast and just hung out around the house because we went to church the night before. Right when Andrew woke up he told me Happy Mother's Day and we had to go to church. I told him we had already gone the night before. But he told me that his teacher's told him on Mother's Day you had to go to church. What a good boy for listening to his teachers.

Matthew took his morning nap and then we headed to my parent's for the perfect Mother's Day lunch. Everyone was so relaxed and enjoying the day. We enjoyed being outside watching the kids run around and play. After the fact, I discovered Drew had been feeding Matthew whole grapes WITH THE SKIN ON the entire lunch. I about had a heart attack, doesn't he know Matthew could have choked?! He told me to chill out and continued feeding Matthew grapes. Guess that's what happens when dad is in charge. My mom gave all the girls a gift card for a mani/pedi...just what I needed! Thanks mom.

After lunch we headed home for naps and everyone took one. It was so nice. Then we all woke up and I decided to embrace the day and take advantage of my mani/pedi. Drew said he'd be happy to watch the boys. So off I went. Oh it was so nice to get the nail polish off my toes that had been on there for 3 months. I enjoyed every moment. I grabbed dinner and headed home. As we were eating I discovered that Drew accomplished one of my least favorite shopping WITH BOTH BOYS! I was so thankful. I asked if he picked up some apples, bananas, or grapes. He said no but he did get 3 bags of chips:) While they were shopping Andrew picked out a Mother's Day card for me too. He was so excited to give it to me because it had a picture of Elmo that he had colored. I started to read the card out loud and it said, Happy Mother's Day GRANDMA! I was laughing so hard. That's boys for you...attention to detail, not so much:) After dinner we were talking about how my day was almost over and Andrew asked when it was going to be Son's Day:) How funny that he knew to say son, we got a good laugh from that as well.

We got the boys in bed and I convinced Drew I really needed to end the day with some ice cream. He never argues when it comes to ice cream so he went to pick it up. Meanwhile, I thought Andrew was asleep and I hear him come out of their room. I met him outside his door and he says to me, "Mom, I'm sorry your day has to end." Now if that's not the perfect end to Mother's Day, I don't know what is.


  1. I hope when Gabby starts talking, she is as sweet as your little guys is!!! It sounds like your Mother's Day was gret!

  2. How precious are Andrew's comments!?
    LOL to grapes with peel on...what does it say about me as a mom that I've NEVER peeled a grape in my life (I do cut them though...)?

  3. Glad you enjoyed your Mother's deserve it! Those boys crack me up!!!
