Last weekend it was cloudy and chilly, quite a difference from the weekend before. So the play set construction was put on hold for the weekend. BUT I had a very nice treat. Saturday, my friend Tracy and I went to get our nails done and to a nice adult lunch. I had a great time, thanks Tracy!
Not much else has been going on which is fine with me. I had a fun St. Patrick's Day with the boys on Wednesday. We did all kinds of Irish crafts. The sun finally came out Wednesday afternoon and we were able to enjoy the outdoors again.
Thursday Molly turned 4 months old! I can't believe it! She is definitely out of the newborn stage which is sad but of course I am thankful that she is growing and thriving. I already miss the fall asleep anywhere and everywhere stage. Like I keep saying she is such a good baby. She absolutely loves Andrew, her face lights up and she gives him the biggest smile every time he talks to her. She has also started really laughing. When she starts laughing I start laughing and it just makes my day. I dusted off the exersaucer and Bumbo this week. She's starting to like the excersaucer but the Bumbo may be a little too old. She only sits up for a couple of minutes before she slumps over. She'll get the hang of it eventually.
Her check up went very well (minus the shots). Dr. Bob said she looks great. Her weight has slowed down a little bit which is fine considering she gained 5 pounds the first 2 months. Here are her latest stats:
Weight: 13lbs 13 oz (55%)
Length: 25 1/4 in (85%)
Head: 40cm (25%)
She ran a fever last night after her shots and has slept pretty much the entire day today. It makes me sad knowing she isn't feeling great but she's a trooper.
Since we have cold weather and rain/snow moving in this weekend. Drew decided to take a half day today and is going to go in and work a half day tomorrow. SO this morning he finished most of the play set and the boys are LOVING it! (I am too.) Of course we'd rather Drew not go in to work tomorrow but it was nice having him around this morning since it was so beautiful.
And finally, Our good friend Anthony and his wife JoLynn welcomed a beautiful baby girl on St. Patrick's Day, Zaiah Joy Haskins. We are so happy for them and they are so in love!
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