I can't believe my baby girl is 9 months old! Wow, time flies. Molly is an amazing baby, such an angel. I took her to her 9 month check up (with the boys!) and here are her stats:
Weight: 17lbs 5oz (25%)
Height: 27 1/4 in (50%)
Head: 43.5cm (40%)
Here's what she's up to:
*She goes to bed around 8, wakes up at 5:30 to eat, goes back down until about 7.
*She takes a morning nap and and afternoon nap (when we let her...it's so hard with #3)
*She can now clap, wave, and do SOOO big
*She is SO stubborn. Will not take a bottle, will not eat baby food. She has started to eat finger foods which include; puffs, bread, crackers, deli meat, really any carbs that have a dry texture. She will not touch vegetables no matter how you serve them. The only fruit I have found that she likes is watermelon.
*And her most recent accomplishment is cruising... she will cruise around the coffee table, couch, really anything that she can.
I love this stage and want her to stay in it for a LONG time!
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