We had a major scheduling conflict last week. I got an email from Andrew's school saying they were going to be doing an advent activity in which one parent needed to be there and help. Well Drew had a meeting he couldn't miss and they did not want siblings to attend. (Plus I didn't want to bring Molly into a preschool classroom anyway.) So I called my dad to see if he could do the activity with Andrew. Well he was going to be out of town on business. So then I called my brother John and he came through big time! Not only was he the only uncle but he was the only "guy" at the activity. John called afterward and said that it was a lot of fun. They made him take the advent wreath with him and he wanted to drop it off so Andrew wouldn't be upset after school. He didn't have to but being the nice brother/uncle he is, he delivered it. I was expecting him to walk in with a big wreath with the pink and purple candles. Well John came to the door and he had this teeny tiny dessert plate with this teeny tiny play doh wreath with pink and purple birthday candles. I was dying laughing. All that effort for THIS! Of course I understand that it was an activity they wanted the parents to be involved in...I just thought it was funny. Thanks a million John!
Friday, Molly had her 2 week check up. She has gained weight, I think she was 7lbs 8oz and she grew a half of an inch to 22 inches. The doctor said she is perfect and to keep up the good work...3rd time's a charm! Oh, he had a few resident doctors with him and he said to them, "Oh wow, she looks much better than last time I saw her." (He was referring to our visit when Molly was 5 days old...guess I was in bad shape.)
I'm not recalling any other major events last week. Drew had to work long hours which made the week seem very LONG but I can't complain. I get to be a stay at home mom which is what I want. I'm just still adjusting to being a mom of 3 and not getting much sleep so some days it's hard to put everything in perspective but I'm trying:)
Have you heard of the book, Alexander and the Horrible Terrible No Good Very Bad Day? Well that's how I felt on Saturday. For some reason I woke up in a mood. I honestly think I had held it together as long as I could and I crumbled on Saturday. I'm not going to get into everything but there were some valid disappointments (the final straw: we were supposed to get some professional pictures taken of Molly for her announcement and a few family shots for our Christmas card; it fell through at the last minute meaning I had all the kids dressed, I had showered and done my hair and make up (a HUGE accomplishment) and Drew was showered and dressed. Once I got over myself, I sucked it up and we took a family picture and some pictures of Molly). I felt like a bad mom and wife BUT Drew and I were able to talk through some things and the day ended on a good note.
St. Nick came Sunday and brought the boys a pop up bus...they love it!
I have had a new attitude this week and I feel like it's been pretty productive. We've done some Christmas art projects, put up some more decorations (the nativity scene was a big hit) and baked Christmas cookies. Wednesday, the coldest and windiest day of the year, Max's gate blew open. (The news reported 60mph winds and it was 10 degrees.) Max decided this would be a good day to go on a little adventure. I only let him out for a few minutes and then went to let him back in and he was GONE. I didn't know what to do. It was so cold outside and Molly was just about due to eat. I called Drew and he said he would call the police to let them know. He also called the Humane Society and Animal Control. Once he was gone for about an hour I started to worry. He had never gotten out at this house so I knew he didn't know his way around AND it was FREEZING! I decided to bundle the kids up and drive around and look for him. No luck. I came home and made the boys some lunch. My mind was going through all the what ifs. I continued to pray that he would just come home or someone would call. While the boys were eating we got the call!!! He went to someones house and she asked me where we lived. I told her and she was like, "WOW he is far from home! I'll meet you at the pool." She was so nice and as I was driving Max home (wanting to kill him and kiss him at the same time) I was kicking myself because I didn't get her name or ask where she lived so I could get her a thank you gift.
Thankfully my mom was hosting bible study that night. I knew it was cold and probably not the best night to take Molly out of the house but I needed to get out! I bundled the kids up, ran through McDonalds, and went to my parent's house. Drew met me there after his meeting and took the boys home. Molly and I hung with the girls over a glass of wine and some discussion on Advent. It was SO nice to get out and feel like an adult!
Matthew: He has been talking up a storm since Molly was born. I noticed a big difference yesterday when Andrew was at school and Andrew wasn't here to talk for Matthew. He was talking non stop and I just loved it! Some funny things he says: He likes to sing Jingle Bells which sounds like "ningle nells, ningle nells" over and over. If you join in to sing with him he says, "no inging" (no singing). I guess he knows I wasn't blessed with a beautiful voice.
When he hears Molly, he immediately stops whatever he is doing and say "Mowwy"
Ok, I think I'm caught up. Thanks for reading to the end...hopefully I'll be able to stay on top of posts so they aren't so long.
That advent wreath is amazing!