"Have a QUIET Thanksgiving" is what Drew and I heard over and over from our pediatrician while we were in the hospital and then again at Molly's 2 day check up. So we decided it would be best to stay home on Thanksgiving instead of going to my parent's for brunch with my siblings and their families. BUT my wonderful parents came through BIG time. As soon as everyone left brunch they came out here with every Thanksgiving dish you can imagine including some very nice bottles of wine.
Andrew made everyone a place card for dinner and I got to use my fine china and crystal for the 1st time. (It had been in my parent's basement until we moved into our new house.) The boys were so excited to see grandma and poppa. My mom had prepared everything ahead of time and brought the turkey over the day before so I could put it in. She included the boys in her final preparations and they were on top of the world.
Everything tasted amazing. Of course the boys wanted nothing to do with the turkey feast, they wanted bagel bites...how nutritious. They of course finished eating before us and were running around like crazy. So we can say it wasn't the most relaxing Thanksgiving dinner but it sure was delicious. Thank you mom for all of your hard work, bringing the food, preparing everything and cleaning everything up. It was a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!
The rest of the weekend was absolutely beautiful. Drew got the Christmas lights up, we got our tree up, and we took a family walk to the pond and the boys did a little fishing. Drew and I took turns going to church so we didn't have to take Molly and Drew went to the grocery store so we could have food for the week ahead. Of course as Sunday began to come to an end I started to feel sad that the long weekend was over and it was back to being a full time mom of 3. Well I forgot my mom had an extra day off of school. So she came over on Monday and played with the boys while I cleaned the bathrooms, showered (not and easy task these days) and did some laundry...once again, I was eased into the week:)
i love Molly's outfit on Turkey day. Adorable!