Sunday Drew and I went to church with Matthew while Andrew and Molly stayed home with Mimi and PawPaw. I didn't exactly feel like going to church but I knew it was something I needed to do. The rest of the day we enjoyed spending time with Drew's parents and I began to think about the week ahead. I had Drew go grocery shopping so we would have food in the house since I wasn't supposed to drive. Drew and his dad took Andrew to the pond to fish after his nap. The pictures are priceless.
After dinner Drew's parents started their journey back to Oklahoma. We did the normal bedtime with the boys. Then I started to organize and get ready for our first outing. Molly had her first check up Monday morning at 8am. That meant we had to have all five of us ready to walk out the door by 7:30. I tried to have everyone's clothes laid out, the diaper bag packed, shoes laid out...everything I could think of. We did pretty well. We were only about 10 minutes late for the appointment. The reason all 5 of us went is because the pediatrician wanted our whole family to get the H1N1 vaccine. He's reasoning is since Molly can't get the vaccine we need to do everything we can to prevent her from getting the flu. She did great at her first check up. She gained weight from her birth weight. She went from 7lbs 3oz to 7lbs 6oz. Her height stayed the same so her percentages (Drew's favorite part) were 75% height, 50% weight, and 25% head circumference. Dr. Bob, our new pediatrician, asked what questions we had and I had to laugh. I mean if you could have seen my list with was pages long! I said honestly I don't think I have how times have changed.
Drew dropped the 4 of us off at home and he headed back to work. Here I was, me and 3 kids. Luckily Molly has been an amazing baby and besides eating every 3 hours she hasn't required much attention. Of course we give her lots of attention but as far as crying or being fussy she seems very laid back...for now:) Our first day went pretty well. By the time Drew got home I was exhausted and I'm sure he was too...but we made it. In the back of my mind I kept telling myself, Thanksgiving is Thursday. I just have to make it to Wednesday at 6 and I'll be good.
The major dilemma of Tuesday was, "how am I going to get Andrew to school?" I wasn't supposed to drive for 2 weeks but Drew had an early meeting and couldn't take him much less pick him up. Of course I stressed out about this more than I should have but that's what happens right after having a baby. I finally decided Andrew needed school. I felt good and I was just going to take him. Of course once I pulled in the driveway after dropping him off it started to pour down rain. We made it and Andrew was so happy to get out of the house and be at school, it was worth it.
Wednesday was great. My mom had the day off of school so she came over to help entertain the boys and she got to hold Molly for the first time! Molly made it through her first week of life with flying colors. We are totally in love! Wednesday kicked off our holiday weekend, Molly's timing couldn't have been better as far as easing me into being a mom of 3.
Drew, the percentages might be my favorite part too!