Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Big (GULP) 3-0!

I had a great 30th! I dropped the boys off at school. Then I met Allison for a run, we went to Starbucks (two of my favorite things!) and played with Molly and Mia before picking up the boys. Allison picked up lunch for everyone and we took the kids to the park for a picnic. It couldn't have worked out more perfectly because there was construction going on right next to the pavilion where we were eating. After lunch Allison brought out a cake and candles and the kids sang to me. It was so sweet. After cake I opened my presents. I got a gift certificate for a spa pedicure, a bracelet that Blake made, and some hip hair ties. After watching trucks and playing on the playground we headed home for naps.

*Side note: while we were watching the construction trucks work, I said, "I couldn't have asked for a better birthday lunch! We even get to watch trucks work!" Andrew turned to me and said, "What do you mean mom? Girls don't like trucks!"

To add to my perfect day, ALL yes ALL 3 kids napped. I showered and laid on my bed in peace for about 20 minutes before Andrew woke up. Once Drew got home, I headed out for a girls dinner with my bible study girls. We went to YaYas, had great wine, food, AND they spoiled me with presents! Thanks girls! I brought my camera along but of course I forgot to take a group shot. Drew got me an iPhone, a skinny watch and 2 bottles of "nice" wine! He knows me SO well!

THEN on Friday. I picked up Allison and met Drew at my parents with the kids. Drew told me we were going to dinner with John and Allison but it dawned on me that John would be out of town when I started planning soccer practice on Thursday and realized he wasn't going to be there. SO I knew Drew had something up his sleeve, I just wasn't quite sure what it was. As I pulled in, Drew had Over the Hill balloons and a 3-0 sign in the yard at my parents. (Isn't he funny?) Then there was wine and cheese out and he even bought the boys some "party favors". I fed Molly and then my mom and dad took over with the kids while we had a few cocktails. To my surprise, John and Christina walked in! I was so excited they would be joining us for dinner! We headed to the "surprise" restaurant, Paul Mannos, and to my surprise, Annie, Lindsey, Stacy, and Brittany were waiting to surprise ME! Dinner was awesome and the girls even surprised me with some beautiful CODI jewelry. After dinner we headed to for drinks at Roxanne. Since I hadn't been out in a while it probably would have been best for me to call it a night BUT you only turn 30 once RIGHT! After drinks, Drew surprised me with with a room at the RITZ!!! It was such a nice surprise. Even though Molly still won't take a bottle, I experimented with her the week before because I knew Drew was wanting a night away. She didn't seem to care that I didn't feed her one morning and still refused the bottle SO I told her I wasn't worried about it if she wasn't and I enjoyed my night away! (Yes, I realize I used the word surprised WAY too many times in that paragraph but I like surprises and Drew has finally caught on after 7 years.)

The buzz kill was waking up the next morning in time to get Andrew to soccer pictures by 9:30 and coach an 11:00 game on the hottest day in September! But it was so worth it. Thank you everyone who made my 30th the best yet!

OOPS! Almost forgot my wonderful husband turned 32 the day before my 30th. I love you Drew! He had a wonderful birthday, work in the morning, golf in the afternoon...came home to a clean house and clean kids. The kids sang him happy birthday, gave them the cards they made, and went to bed!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading what I've been up to everyday through your blog! I need to start forwarding it my in-laws!
