Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Check Ups

Matthew and Molly had check ups when we got back from Houston.

Matthew's 3 year check up:
Weight:31 lbs...50%

Matthew checked out great. Dr. Bob made my day twice when we were talking about Matthew. First of all he told me not to worry that he's not potty trained. He said boys are late and to not even attempt it until he's ready because he'll win. He told me once he decides he's ready I'll be able to potty train him in one day so not to force it. Great news! AND I told him that I needed some suggestions on getting rid of his pacifier and he told me not to worry about it. If it's just at night it's not a big deal. That SHOCKED me. I was sure we were about to begin the nightmare of weaning him from his addiction. Thank you Dr. Bob! Now when we take him to the dentist later this month I'm guessing I won't get the same answer...we'll see! Matthew was not happy about the 2 shots he had to get. The first one wasn't bad but the second was a booster and man that must have hurt. He was so MAD at me, "YOU'RE NOT MY MOM!!!" he told me once that one was over:( He recovered once the nurse showed him the animal crackers and I promised him a little truck from Target.

Molly 15 months:
Weight:21lbs... 25%
Height:31 3/4 in...90%
Head 45.2cm

Molly checked out great as well. My main concern with Molly was the reaction she had after her shots last time. Dr. Bob remembered every last detail and he told me to just hang out for about 20 minutes after her vaccinations so he could keep an eye on her. After her first shot she said, "Owww" and the the last two must have been painful because the real tears came. But luckily she didn't have any reactions so we were good to go!

1 comment:

  1. Silas weighs about 30 lbs and is 18 months old. uh-oh.
