Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Welcome Baby Natalie!

Christina went in Monday morning to be induced. She was still 3 weeks away from her due date but since the baby was measuring small March 7 was the goal date for her. Christina has been a trooper during this pregnancy. She had to go in for appointments twice a week, was admitted to the hospital a few times and had 17 ultrasounds! That is no fun, especially with little miss Josie at home who doesn't understand what's going on.

On Monday, the baby handled labor beautifully. The heart rate was perfect even during contractions. I was able to go up to the hospital around 4, right after Christina got her epidural. Then the broke her water. John and I went down to the cafeteria around 6 to grab some dinner before the big night ahead. They were predicting Christina would have the baby before midnight. While we were eating John got a call that Christina was dialated to an 8 and the last two centimeters would go fast. Since they knew the baby was small they knew labor would be fast.

By 8 she was ready to push. I went to the waiting room with Christina's dad and two sisters while John and her mom stayed back. About 45 minutes later (it seemed like an eternity!) John came in and made the announcement....IT'S A GIRL!!!! All of our prayers were answered Natalie Marguerite was healthy as could be. She weighed 5 lbs 1 oz and was 18 in long. Once Christina and Natalie were ready we got to go meet her! Words can describe how cute she is so here are some pictures!

Tuesday we took the kids to the hospital to meet their new cousin. They were SO excited! We didn't realize Pete and Jill were there with Kiersten and Kaitlyn and then my mom walked in shortly after us, it was a Benoist reunion. Christina was such a good sport about all the chaos. Thanks for being so welcoming and laid back about the situation Christina! Matthew surprised me most of all. He would not leave Natalie's side. While grandma was holding her he rubbed her legs and waited patiently until it was his turn to hold her. Then when she started crying as he was holding her and he didn't want to let her go.

Andrew didn't surprise me because he loves babies. He made Natalie a card before we went to the hospital and he asked me what he should say to his new cousin. I told him he could write "Welcome Natalie" or "I Love You" and he said, "How about, Welcome out of your mommy's belly Natalie". I told him that was perfect but then he realize that was a lot of words and decided to just write Welcome Natalie.

We sat Molly next to Natalie and the facial expressions were priceless. She wasn't sure what to think. I was telling her to say baby but she looked at me like I was crazy. Like, "Mom this does not look like my babies".

After our visit we headed to one of our favorite restaurants from when we used to live in that neck of the woods. Then headed home. As soon as we got home Matthew grabbed one of Molly's babies and started pretending it was Baby Nata wee. Natalie sure has a lot of fans for only being a few days old.

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