Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring is in the Air

This is a story I hope to look back on and laugh. So Thursday (the 10th) early morning Andrew woke up with a fever. Knowing he wasn't going to school and the fact that I got NO sleep I thought it would be the perfect morning for a Starbucks run. I go out to start my car and my battery is COMPLETELY dead. A child decided leaving all the interior lights on was a good idea. Ok, it's the second day of lent, I can go without Starbucks so I make a cup of homemade coffee. Andrew is miserable and I just can't give him the attention he needs. Matthew is talking SO loud because he thinks that is the only way he can be heard and Molly is...getting a chair, pulling it up to the island and yes coffee!!! Did I mention that Drew had a work event and wouldn't be home until 10pm? He came home with the hopes of jumping my van but the battery was so dead he couldn't get it out of neutral.

This is a first. He's never fallen a sleep anywhere but his bed.

The next morning Drew had a breakfast meeting and came home with a new battery. I really had no place to go but could not stand the idea of being trapped! It was actually a nice day so the kids decided they wanted to take a wagon ride to the library. And yes, we looked like the Grizwalds because all 3 rode in the wagon. On the way home there we so many fights I ended up alternating between carrying Matthew or Molly. At least I got a workout in.

The excitement of the day! Dad changing a battery!
The Grizwalds

We laid low on Saturday because Andrew was getting over a virus and Matthew and Molly had colds. It was a beautiful day so we played outside most of the morning. When Drew got home from getting his haircut he decided he would try cutting the boys hair (they were over due). Well let's just say the boys didn't exactly cooperate and Drew isn't going to leave his current job to become a hair stylist. After lunch I had the special treat of going on one of my favorite trail runs. It was the perfect day for a run. I had also called a sitter Friday night to see if by chance she would be free Saturday so Drew and I could get out for a little bit. She was free! We were going to have her come right before bed time and put them to bed but we decided with the time change it would be better for her to come early and for us to come home early. We met another couple at a delicious Mexican restaurant and had so much fun that our plan didn't work out so well. Everyone was melting down when we got home but we had fun:).

Wish I was at the beach
Andrew looks thrilled!


Sunday, with the time change we went to mass later then ran a few errands. Andrew is about to start baseball so we got him a new bat and some other practice gear to get him prepared. Then we had a St. Patrick's day themed Sunday dinner. The kids were a little crabby because of the late night Saturday but thankfully grandma and poppa didn't mind.

Helping Poppa
To our surprise we woke up to A LOT of snow on Monday morning. It was still coming down when it was time for the boys to go to school but I didn't think to give myself extra time for the drive. Well traffic was horrible and the drive that usually takes me 20-25 minutes took an hour! Needless to say the boys were late but they thought it was cool that I had to walk them in. After naps I got every ones snow gear out, hopefully for the last time, and let them play outside.

HUGE flakes!

Luckily as the week went on it warmed up again and by Thursday, St. Patrick's Day, it was very warm and sunny! The kids woke up to some special treats from the leprechaun along with some green breakfast. As a special treat we went to chick fil a after school and had a picnic when we got home. After naps we had some fun outside play time and then I got a special treat and got to go out for drinks with a friend! Drew was kind of excited to watch some basketball while I was out (not nagging:).

What a nice Leprechaun!
Green Breakfast
Matthew showing Molly his bubbles
Andrew got a Lego Star Wars umbrella and would NOT put it down
Picnic time!

Saturday was a little chillier but not too bad. We had some good outside time. Then we went to a friend's house with the kids for dinner. We all had a great time eating pizza, playing, and talking. Molly's favorite part of course was their dog and guess what their dog's name is...Molly:) Even funnier than that, Molly was wearing black and white and the dog was black and white. I wish I had my camera.

Sunday was beautiful weather once again. After church (Molly fell off the pew and has a nice knot on her forehead), a full day of playing outside and naps we had the special honor of going to Baby Natalie's for dinner. From the second Matthew woke up in the morning he thought we were headed over there so I'm sure it was a long day for him. John and Christina were so kind to have us over and they wouldn't even let me bring dinner! The kids had a great time playing with all of Josie's toys and checking in on baby Natalie. The BEST part of the night was John and Christina asking me and Drew to be Natalie's God parents. We are SO honored!!!

Kind of see the knot
Great Dogs Uncle John
Josie you look AMAZING!
"Can I be the God-cousin?"

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