Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Last weeks highlights:

We had a visit from my friend Lindsey and her son Bobby who is Matthew’s age. We were so happy they made the trip out here. Andrew had a hard time. He was extremely needy while they were here and talked like a baby. I guess that’s textbook when a 4 year old wants more attention but it’s still annoying:)

I have been released to do normal activities again so I have started running. I love having an outlet to release my "energy". Of course finding the time to run with 3 kids at home in the middle of winter is not an easy task. But I have been able to sneak away a couple of times right when Drew gets home from work (if I’m organized enough with dinner and Molly’s eating schedule) and on the weekends. Something is better than nothing.

Friday after the kids went to bed Drew took back the new TV for a different one. The newest one is a little bit smaller so it can fit on our swivel bracket. It is a nice addition to the family room.

Saturday, first thing we took the boys to get thier hair cut. They look so old. I told the lady doing Matthew’s to just trim it up and she used the clippers all over! I guess he won’t need a haircut for a few months. After the Hair Saloon, I started to get organized and figure out what I need for Matthew’s birthday party. It’s pretty much impossible to run errands with all 3 kids at this stage of the game so I like to get everything I can done on the weekends.

Sunday, my friend Annie came out to meet Molly and see our house. It was so good to see Annie. She recently moved back to St. Louis and we could never find a time to get together. So we were so excited Annie was able to come over and catch up. Annie is going to be Molly's Godmother so Molly was especially happy to meet her Godmother.

Then we had the BEST surprise ever! My mom and dad offered to come over and watch the kids instead of us going there for Sunday dinner. I think it is the first time Drew and I have been out since Molly was born. We really didn’t do anything exciting but we were able to talk without being interrupted and that was REALLY exciting. When we got home the boys came running to the door and couldn’t talk fast enough about how much fun they had with Grandma and Poppa. It was a great evening for everyone!

Monday was Molly's 2 month birthday and I had another nice surprise. Drew was off work because it was a bank holiday. My friend Stacy was having a birthday lunch at Brio so I was able to join the girls for lunch! It was so nice to be around girlfriends and get caught up on everything going on with them. Sometimes I feel like I am in this little bubble and don’t have much connection with the outside world:)

Yesterday was Re Registration day at Andrew’s school. We’ve decided next year Andrew is going to go 4 days and Matthew is going to go 2. I’m really excited that Andrew will get more time at school next year since I think he gets pretty bored at home and LOVES school. I’m a little sad about Matthew being old enough to go but also very excited that two days a week it will just be me and Molly for a few hours. And I know Matthew needs the social interaction. After I wrote the checks I called Drew and said…”Maybe I should home school the boys and buy an Escalade.” JUST KIDDING!

Tomorrow I’m heading to the pediatrician for Molly’s 2 month check up and Matthew’s 2 year check up. So if everyone survives (I’m most worried about myself; I hate the 1st round of shots AND Matthew begins screaming as soon as we enter the doctor’s office) I’ll update the blog with Molly’s up to date stats. Drew is going to go to Andrew’s Parent/Teacher conference which is at the same time as the doctor. So I’ll also update on how Andrew is the smartest kid in the class:) KIDDING AGAIN!

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