Well here is a picture of her at the party, the day after she turned 7 months:)
She is growing up so fast. She now has one tooth that has popped through and another one almost there. Both on the front bottom. She still isn't a fan of baby food but is getting more adventurous with the textures. I have started pouring it right on her tray and basically letting her figure paint with it. A little bit always ends up in her mouth so little by little she's tasting it. Baby steps. She can get wherever she wants to go, which is usually for Andrew's tiny legos that he forgets to pick up. She has loved our trips to the pool this summer. She stands in her bed now and isn't afraid to get down. She'll just fall face first on her mattress when she's had enough. Lately Molly has been waking up between 5:30 and 6 for the day. This sounds horrible but it's the same time Andrew wakes up so it's not a big deal. She then has been taking an early morning nap which is kind of nice b/c I can still put her down and go somewhere if we need to before lunch and naps for the boys. I can't believe she is growing up so fast. She is at such a fun stage but I'm a little sad she is becoming so independent and not so cuddly. Happy 7 months Molly! You are such a good baby!
she's adorable! I think she looks a lot like Matthew-which must mean he looks like you cause she sure does!