This morning we headed to mass for Ash Wednesday. Everyone got ashes including Molly:) Matthew of course didn't realized that he had a dark cross on his forehead. So when we got back from receiving ashes he pointed to me and said, "Mommy, owie!" He thought I got an owie. Then I pointed out Drew's and Andrew's to him and he was quite amused.
After church, Drew took Andrew to the dentist and I brought Molly and Matthew home. Drew called after the appointment with some bad news. Note: This is very embarrassing and I am beside myself but it's life and that's what this blog is about. That being said, Andrew has 10 cavities in his 20 baby teeth and needs one crown. Some background: I had/have horrible teeth and have a horrible fear of the dentist. At this point I don't know if this is something that is inherited or if I have completed failed as a mother in this area. I am so disappointed in myself. I mean my one job is to take care of my children. Teeth fall into this category and I have failed. The next step is getting everything fixed without traumatizing Andrew along with having insurance cover as much as possible. The dentist said our two options are bringing Andrew in for 4 separate visits OR booking a room at Children's hospital and putting him under to have everything fixed at once. :(
Time to pick up my chin and be the best mom I can be. Looks like flossing is going to be a nice Lenten activity.
hang in there Liz! I'm sure he doesn't love working on his teeth either. Hopefully he will learn to love to brush and floss! Best of luck!