Molly turned 6 months on Tuesday. I cannot believe it has already been half of a year! Molly continues to be such a great baby. She is so happy, great sleeper, and go with the flow. Since our new pediatrician said I could wait to start solids until she was 6 months I decided I would do that this time around. Honestly, it was a selfish decision. It's hard enough feeding the boys so I figured I'd put it off until now, especially since she is such a good sleeper. I'll be sure to post lots of pictures of Molly's first solids in the next few days. Time to dust off the high chair.
Molly is acting like she is ready to crawl. I remember being so excited when the boys hit this milestone but now I know life will get even crazier with Molly on the move. She is starting to get up on all fours. She is also great at the roll and scoot when trying to get to the boys toys all over the floor. Diaper changes are a big challenge these days if I don't have a few toys to distract her. She is really into teething toys right now. She loves holding, shaking and eating them. The other day she started shaking her head "no". Obviously she doesn't know what it means but she thinks it's so funny and now will mimic me when I do it first. She also loves jumping in our arms when we are holding her and making her happy screech noise. And finally she is starting to sit up for a few seconds without support...such a big girl!
Today we had her 6 month check up. I forgot that Andrew's last day of school was Tuesday when I scheduled this appointment so I had to take the whole clan...not something I particularly enjoy. But we did it and Molly looks great. The boys were troopers, not perfect but considering the situation they were good. Molly had to get another round of 4 shots and the Roto Virus drink. She was not happy about that situation, poor thing. Here are her 6 month stats:
Weight: 15lbs 7 oz (45%)
Height: 27 in (90%)
Head Circumference: 41.5 (25%)
She's such a big girl!!! Love you, Molls!