Molly 10 months
At 10 months Molly started her signature move of twirling her hair (mullet) and sucking her thumb when she gets tired. It is so cute! Molly also had her first sleep over away from mom the day she turned 10 months. Drew and I stayed the night in a hotel and she spent the night with her brothers at grandma and poppa's. She still refused to take a bottle or cup so she waited until I arrived at 9:30 to have milk. Did she care? Nope, not one bit. (of course I was a nervous wreck, you'd think I'd learn but apparently it has to be spelled out She started experimenting more with solids and enjoyed canned peaches and pears, cheerios, and of course puffs. She went through an adjustment period with her nap schedule because of the boys being in school. I pretty much gave up on rushing home to feed her and get her down for an hour before I had to go pick up the boys. I feel bad that she pretty much lost her morning nap before she turned one but once again, she doesn't:)
Molly 11 months
Molly has turned into quite the daredevil as you can see from the picture above. She is trying so hard to keep up with her brothers. These pictures are also special because this is the gift she gave her brothers when she was born and now she gets to enjoy it too! At 11 months Molly is starting to stand on her own for longer periods of time. She pulls up on EVERYTHING and is an official speed crawler. She has even taken a step here and there. Verbally she is chatty Kathy. She went form saying ma, mom, ma ma ma ma one week to only da, da, da the next week and then she started pointing and saying "this". Now she is using all kinds of inflections and trying all kinds of sounds. She holds the phone up to her ear, tries to comb her "hair" and loves to hug her stuffed animals. The variety of foods she eats has grown greatly. She LOVES pizza and goldfish and likes nutrigrain bars, turkey, any carbs, french toast, pancakes and is hit or miss with pasta. She continues to be so much fun, so go with the flow, and so loving. She is our little angel. And I cannot believe she is almost one! Wow, time flies.
She is adorable! And eating! That's great news! Maybe some day she'll take a cup...but isn't it nice to feel so needed!