Friday, October 2, 2009

Our First Weekend in O’Fallon (still backtracking)

It has always been a Saturday tradition to go walk to a little bakery by our old house and get breakfast. We decided to try and find a similar place and keep the tradition going. Well our first Saturday we ended up at Starbucks but our biggest critic Andrew was satisfied because he got an Old Fashioned Donut. Then we needed to head back to Lowes to get a few more things for the house (black out shades for the boys rooms and ceiling fans) and Babies R Us in hopes of finding something to keep Matthew in his crib.

The Lowes trip was successful but we were unsuccessful in finding something to keep Matthew in bed. We headed home to let the boys run around and start our many projects. Unfortunately I could not kick the head ache I had had since Wednesday and was getting to the point where it was unbearable and Tylenol didn’t touch it. I hate calling the exchange but after Drew and my mom telling me it was worth the call I did. Turns out it was a sinus headache and I would need to take Sudefed along with Tylenol to feel relief. I’m so was relieved it wasn’t something more serious.

Shockingly, the boys took great naps and we were able to unpack a few boxes while they did. After naps we decided to go back to Babies R Us since we still had my dad’s truck because we found a great deal on a dresser/changing table for our little girl (still nameless). We also ordered her crib. I was relieved to know she will now have a place to sleep and a place to hold her clothes (hopefully we’ll get a few pink items before she arrives).

Saturday night went much better. By taking out Matthew’s bumper pads, he wasn’t able to have any leverage in getting out of bed. Sunday we woke up to a wonderful thunderstorm. We thought it was wonderful until we were headed to our first mass at our new parish and could barely see the road. Then we had to take two trips into church since we only had one umbrella BUT we made it. It was a little weird being at a new church and not really knowing the regulars we’re used to seeing but I’m sure we’ll get used to it.

After church we drove the truck out to my parents to get a load of stuff then grabbed some lunch and headed home. My parents offered to come out and help which was awesome. I was able to work on the kitchen and go to the grocery store while Drew put together our dining room tables, set up our living room, and hung a huge picture and the boys were entertained. Unfortunately my parents had to deal with the beginnings of Andrew’s extreme disobedient/aggressive phase. We aren’t wondering where it came from but we are wondering how to deal with it. He has so much going on in his little head and doesn't know how to verbalize it so he's taking it out on Matthew and us. Hopefully we'll get over this speed bump quickly.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you get unpacked quickly...know how stressful that can be! I know one step ahead sells this met thing that fits on top of the crib to keep babies in (
    May need to check out BRU, we totally need a new changing table or dresser for our coming little one as well. Just let me know on that name and you'll get some pink stuff coming your way. :)
