Thursday, February 5, 2009


You never know what a 3 year old is going to say, that's why Drew and I have a Word Document full of "Andrewisms". Now that I am blogging I figured it would be entertaining to share these moments with you.

Yesterday, Andrew asked if he could play in the sink. I decided to let him so I could get dinner started. He was in the bathroom and I was in the kitchen. As soon as he turns on the water I hear..."Mom, I'm sorry I peed in my pants." I tried to calmly explain to him that he really needs to focus on staying dry and on and on. Unfortunately I don't think I was too calm...maybe I was a little more stern than I should have been. Anyway, he turns to me and says,
"We don't have to be unified about this." (pretty sure he had no idea what he was saying)

After naps yesterday I had the TV on the food network because there weren't any kids shows on. Andrew was more interested than I thought. Today, he was playing play doh, in his own little world and I hear him say,
"Welcome back, now we are going to make some duck cookies."

Today we were on a run and Andrew was messing with Matthew. So I told him he really needed to STOP. He yells up to me,
"Are we going to mope about this all day." (again, no idea where he heard this)

And finally, tonight we had to go get new car seats since ours were in an accident. So we did the healthy thing and drove thru McDonalds for dinner. We are getting close and Andrew says,
"We are going to McDonalds and everyone can get their own fry case."


  1. Too funny! I love the things kids' say...isn't it amazing to hear your words repeated back to you? "we don't have to be united on this" ha--classic!

  2. love it! thanks for sharing...he seems like quite the smarty! Scary though, since they seem to absorb everything we say!
